Thursday, June 4, 2015

Payson, UT


Hey people! As many of you know I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (and yes we can dress nicely too, ok?) and a couple of weeks ago began the Payson Temple Open House, in Payson UT. So Roxanne's family invited me to go with them and I went. It was a great experience and we took some pictures there, not the best quality but it's ok. I have some other pictures that my sister-in-law took when I went there with my family, I'll post them when I get them.
Anyways, it was unexpectedly cold for a May day in Utah, it was raining and windy, so that explains the clothes I'm wearing and since I love the cold and to dress to cold weather I took the opportunity to dress well. Here's a rundown of what I'm wearing:


Wool blend Black Peacoat: By Forever21, $22, originally $52.90. (Super sale they were having)
Scarf: H&M, $15.
Printed suit pants: H&M, $29.95. (David Beckham Collection)
Desert Boots: Hawkings McGill at Urban Outfitters, $69. 


E ai pessoal! Como muitos ja sabem eu sou membro d'A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias (e nos podemos nos vestir bem tambem, beleza?) e ha algumas semanas atras comecou a visitacao ao Templo de Payson, UT. A familia da Roxanne me convidou para ir com eles e fui. Foi uma experiencia otima e nos tiramos algumas fotos la, nao sao da melhor qualidade mas ta de boa (iPhones, pff). Eu tenho outras fotos que a minha cunhada tirou quando eu fui la com a familia, quando ela me mandar eu posto aqui. Tava um dia bem estranho para Maio aqui em Utah, tava frio, chovendo e com vento. Como eu adoro o frio e me vestir para o frio aproveitei a oportunidade para me vestir bem. Confira ali em cima o que eu estou vestindo. Clique na peca de roupa para ir direto ao site. 

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