Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's a 'New Day' at 'The Hamptons'

Whaaaaaat's up people. Today I announce my newest collaboration with EyeBuyDirect. They sell high quality eyeglasses and sunglasses (that can be made prescription). They have amazing styles and prices if you're a poor college student like me.

I have recommended them to several people and all of them that bought from EBD simply love their purchases. I already own 4 pairs from them, although I lost my first ones at a Steve Aoki concert back in February. If you're looking for great eyeglasses I highly recommend this website. They have a bunch of offers and shipping usually takes 2 weeks from placing order to actually receiving your pair.

All the photos were taken by a friend of mine here in Utah, you can see more of her photographs (she barely started) on Instagram. Also, you can find more of me on my IG ABrazilianAbroad.

Featured in the pictures are the frames NEW DAY and THE HAMPTONS. The latter one is their best seller as far as sunglasses go,  but they have other frames that are just amazing. I got lucky and made mine prescription as well, something I've wanted my whole life.

Outfit by me:
Stafford slim fit shirt, $14 (sale).
H&M skinny navy chinos, $25.95.
Claiborne brown shoes, $60 (JCPenney).

Enjoy the pictures and happy shopping!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Understanding the Color Wheel


This post was based of the article The Color Wheel and Men's Fashion from the website RealMenRealStyle. If you want more detailed information you can visit their page. This post will be a simple way to understand better how to match color in your daily wear.

Let me remind you that there's nothing wrong with a man wearing colors! Don't stick with just basic black, white and gray (neutral colors). Be daring and start wearing colors progressively, if you don't feel comfortable wearing a bright red shirt, go for a shade of red (maybe burgundy) and once you're ready for the more daring colors, try them and see if reactions.

I have to say that people will notice you more for wearing different colors and they actually like it, especially women (if you know how to color coordinate, of course) and in this post I'll try to help you get the attention you deserve when matching colors.

First let's take a look at the color wheel.

It's important to understand the colors. RED, BLUE AND YELLOW are primary colors and are the most vivid, bright of them all. Secondary colors (Green, Orange and Violet) are made by mixing the 3 primary colors and opposite to primary colors (for example YELLOW-VIOLET). Tertiary colors are NOT shades of the primary or secondary colors, they are completely different hues. Don't ever say violet is the same color as is a blue-violet, it can matter A LOT when choosing a shirt to mix with a tie or pocket square.

A more detailed, complex color wheel is below.

Now that you have an idea of what are primary, secondary and tertiary colors are let's get to matching them up! There are 3 different kinds of matching: COMPLEMENTARY, TRIAD and ANALOGOUS colors. Let's start with complementary.

Complementary: Super simple, these colors are the ones that are directly opposite in the wheel (RED-GREEN, YELLOW-VIOLET, BLUE-ORANGE). This combination of colors will create the brightest outfit. Use it if you dare! You will see this kind of matching on people that need to stand out. You can try this by contrasting and complementing a tie with a pocket square of complementary colors with a dark suit. It's a great way to stand out and still not be too much out there.


Triad: in this scheme the colors are equidistant (in the shape of a triangle). That means they are always three schemes to one side. For example: VIOLET-ORANGE-GREEN

A great example of this is Burger King's logo which is RED-YELLOW-BLUE.

Or this man

This is a good way to mix a lot of colors in an outfit and still be subtle. It is super balanced and anyone can pull off. When you see the color wheel just think of a triangle and match the colors that are indicated. If I have a RedOrange shirt that I would like wear, think of a triangle and then you get a  REDORANGE-YELLOWGREEN-BLUEVIOLET combination. Simple and easy.

Analogous: this is the most subtle of all of them. In this scheme the colors are adjacent to each other. Choose a color and jump only one color to any side and pick the next one. For example: RED-YELLOW, or BLUEGREEN-BLUEVIOLET.

Well, that's it. See if you can match colors better now and let me know in the comments. Don't forget to follow me on instagram @abrazilianabroad ! That's it! I hope you enjoyed today's post, I sure did! 

All pictures found on Pinterest and on the RealMenRealStyle article.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Payson, UT


Hey people! As many of you know I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (and yes we can dress nicely too, ok?) and a couple of weeks ago began the Payson Temple Open House, in Payson UT. So Roxanne's family invited me to go with them and I went. It was a great experience and we took some pictures there, not the best quality but it's ok. I have some other pictures that my sister-in-law took when I went there with my family, I'll post them when I get them.
Anyways, it was unexpectedly cold for a May day in Utah, it was raining and windy, so that explains the clothes I'm wearing and since I love the cold and to dress to cold weather I took the opportunity to dress well. Here's a rundown of what I'm wearing:


Wool blend Black Peacoat: By Forever21, $22, originally $52.90. (Super sale they were having)
Scarf: H&M, $15.
Printed suit pants: H&M, $29.95. (David Beckham Collection)
Desert Boots: Hawkings McGill at Urban Outfitters, $69. 


E ai pessoal! Como muitos ja sabem eu sou membro d'A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias (e nos podemos nos vestir bem tambem, beleza?) e ha algumas semanas atras comecou a visitacao ao Templo de Payson, UT. A familia da Roxanne me convidou para ir com eles e fui. Foi uma experiencia otima e nos tiramos algumas fotos la, nao sao da melhor qualidade mas ta de boa (iPhones, pff). Eu tenho outras fotos que a minha cunhada tirou quando eu fui la com a familia, quando ela me mandar eu posto aqui. Tava um dia bem estranho para Maio aqui em Utah, tava frio, chovendo e com vento. Como eu adoro o frio e me vestir para o frio aproveitei a oportunidade para me vestir bem. Confira ali em cima o que eu estou vestindo. Clique na peca de roupa para ir direto ao site. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Logan Weekend with Roxanne


This weekend I spent in Logan, Utah with my girlfriend's (Roxanne) family. It was a great time to relax and get out of the routine. Logan is about 2,5 hours north of Orem (where I live) and it's almost at the border of Utah/Idaho. We went there because one of her friends wanted to do a photo session with her, and of course I tagged along. I never miss an opportunity to get photographed, as you know. Here in these photos I'm wearing the following pieces of clothing:

Eyeglasses: EyeBuyDirect for $51.90 (everything inclusive)
Basic v-neck black tee: Forever21 for $4.
Lightweight jacket: Banana Republic for $25 (Memorial Day sale)
Super skinny ripped jeans: H&M for $34.99.
Sneakers: Nike for $40 (Memorial Day sale)

Photos by Kylie Checketts Bischoff.



Esse final de semana fui para Logan, Utah passar com a familia da minha namorada (Roxanne). Foi um tempo excelente para relaxar e sair um pouco da rotina. Logan fica mais ou menos 2,5 horas de Orem (onde eu moro) e ta quase na fronteira entre os estados de Utah e Idaho. Fomos la porque uma amiga da Roxanne queria tirar fotos dela para um artigo de um blog e claro que eu nao perdi a oportunidade de ser fotografado. Para ver as roupas refira ao texto em ingles. As fotos sao da Kylie Bischoff e voce pode encontrar o artigo e mais fotos no site

Isso ai, ate mais pessoal.